Exciting news!!! We are thrilled to announce that Pertemba Global is now live on the KIABI

Kiabi is a leading French online marketplace for fashion and home decor, boasting over 19 million visits every month!
With a diverse range of products and an impressive customer base, Kiabi is the perfect platform for businesses looking to sell their products in the French market and reach millions of potential customers.
At Pertemba Global, we are proud to offer seamless routes to new marketplaces, removing the complexities of selling internationally and accelerating global brand awareness and customer reach.
If you’re interested in selling your products on the Kiabi marketplace, don’t hesitate to contact us!
📩 Business@pertembaglobal.com
🌐 www.Pertembaglobal.com
#Kiabi #Ecommerce #GlobalSellingSolution #PertembaGlobal #crossborderecommerce #marketplaces #onlinemarketplace #ecommerce #ecommercesolutions #brand